Hendry County BLOG

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Sunday, January 15, 2006


Short of taking a page out of history and recreating the "Boston Tea Party", all US Taxpayers have an opportunity to throw off the shackles of taxation slavery called the US Income Tax. A bill is in Congress under the title of the FAIR TAX BILL that will eliminate the IRS. and all Federal income taxes. and no more W 2 wage withholding.
The FAIR TAX BILL is in the US Senate as SR25 and in the US House as HR25, and you should be using all and any means at your disposal to force your Senators and Representatives to get the bill out of committee and up for vote and into law. Up to now, all proposed tax reform has been one ridiculous, convoluted ponzt scheme after another, only serving to further subjugate the working, middle class.
The FAIR TAX would eliminate the IRS and all of it's dysfunctional, discriminatory codes, and policies, with a national sales tax at the register. FAIR TAX would tax wealth not wages, earnings or profits. Other than the shock of not seeing any taxes withheld from paychecks, you keep ALL that you earn, and only pay taxes when you spend. The FAIR TAX currently has over 35 sponsors in Congrees with hundreds of economists, industry, labor and taxpayer groups rallying for it's passage and implementation. It's your money!! Take it BACK!!!
-T. W. Bill Neville


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