Wasteful spending
As the LaBelle Airport continues to operate at a loss and the Aviation economy is in a slump, Hendry County staff recommended and County Commissioners approved the expenditure of millions of tax dollars for the purchase of additional land to widen and extend the runway. If these expenditures are made it will remove taxable lands from our tax base.
The only justification given for this expenditure is that the State has grant monies available. Putting in the improvements at the airport is only the beginning. Will there be grant monies available to keep up with the necessary maintenance of the runway? So far the airport has not even been able to repair the facilities or cut the grass. Is there a plan to fund the operation of the airport over the next 10-20 years? Many comments from professional aviators have noted that the LaBelle Airport is to close to residents and businesses, which in the future will cause safety and noise issues that could close the airport. After 911 and the hurricanes many Aviation businesses have filed bankruptcy. The cost of a new or used Aircraft exceeds the majority of income levels in Hendry County. The major users (30) of the LaBelle Airport are ultralight and homebuilt aircraft. These aircraft do not buy aviation fuel, which is supposed to be the major source of income. The cost of Aviation fuel, which is $3.00-4.00 per gallon has grounded may weekend flyers. Income and unemployment levels in Hendry County reduce the number of student pilots due to the escalating costs of learning to fly. Hendry County only has thirty thousand people and it has two airports. The other airport is Air Glades, which consists of 2500 revenue-generating acres. The Air Glades Airport serves both Glades and Hendry County residents. From an economic standing it is centrally located in the County and a maximum of 30 minutes from the farthest boundaries of the County and is located near major arterial roads. There are two other major Airports within 30 minutes from LaBelle and that is Immokalee and South West Regional. Thousands of tourist and locals ride on roads in Hendry County that are substandard, dangerous and need improvements. The commissioners and staff continually argue that the County does not have enough money to make the improvements. The statistics speak for themselves. If this was your business do you think your advisors or the bank would let you invest this amount of money without a visible return on your money or a plan? Voice your concerns about this waste of tax dollars, make a point of attending the County Commission meetings this year and learn more about how your tax dollars are being wasted. |
At January 9, 2005 at 9:01 PM ,
Boots said...
What was left out of this article is that the County Staff wants to force the land owners at the end of the airport to sell their property.
How much revenue is being collected at the LaBelle airport to off set the cost of management, maintenance and capital improvements?
How many jobs has the airport management created at the airport in the past 2 years? That are not paid for by the tax payers of Hendry County.
What has the airport cost the taxpayers since the Harper's left?
At January 29, 2005 at 7:40 AM ,
Boots said...
There are home owners at the ends of the LaBelle Airport that do not want to sell their properties. At the last Commission meeting Commissioners Taylor and McCarthy authorized staff to persue eminent domain, which is the taking of private property.
When is this insanity going to stop?
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