Hendry County BLOG

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Politics as usual

At tonights County Commission meeting in Clewiston. Part time planner Jim LaRue showed up to play politics just to secure his gravy part time job. He made sure he told just how wonderful Lester Baird was and how much money he had gotten for the County and how smart the Commissioners were for employing Baird. This was his only reason for being paid to attend this meeting. When are the commissioners going to wake up an smell the roses. I hope the commissioners are as smart as the audience and realize what is going on with Baird and LaRue.

Jim LaRue who lives in North Fort Myers has been on the payroll for at least 12 years as a part time planner for our County. Why do we have people planning the future for the tax payers of Hendry County who don't even live or Vote in Hendry County?


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