Hendry County BLOG

This Blog is presented to allow diverse points of view on community issues. Please comment so that all sides can be heard. Only comments that leave a name will be posted.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Guess Who? You'll be surprised

Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and who's employee's have the following statistics:

29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

Can you guess which organization this is? Give up yet?
It's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Social Security Reform

What do you think about the privatization of the Social Security funding?

Some of the comments that I have gotten from local residents are:
  • Raise the upper contribution limits.
  • Make the politicians contribute to the fund and receive the same benefits.
  • Stop borrowing from the Social Security fund.
  • Invest the fund into high yield investments.

Nobody I have spoken with wants to have to worry about investing because they don't know how and feel that investors will steal their money.

One of Hendry County citizens wanted President Bush to know how she felt about his plan. The following is the link to a video made by KARE TV in Minneapolis MN where Suzanne Harper went to make her position known.


If you have a suggestion that you want to make known please post it on this blog.